PCF - Praise Christian Fellowship
PCF stands for Praise Christian Fellowship
Here you will find, what does PCF stand for in Religious under Community category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Praise Christian Fellowship? Praise Christian Fellowship can be abbreviated as PCF What does PCF stand for? PCF stands for Praise Christian Fellowship. What does Praise Christian Fellowship mean?Praise Christian Fellowship is an expansion of PCF
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Alternative definitions of PCF
- Pharyngeal Conjunctival Fever
- Pounds per Cubic Foot
- Patrol Craft Fast
- Point Coordination Function
- Pattern Controlled Filter
- Portable Compiled Format
- Putnam High Income Convertible & Bond Fund
- Polymer Cladded Fiber
View 117 other definitions of PCF on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- PSI Progress Seminars Inc.
- POMPL Perfect Octave Media Projects Limited
- PSD Parse Software Development
- PTPML PT. Proteus Mitra Logistic
- PFIWA Pat Falvey Irish and Worldwide Adventures
- PCA Parkway Cardiology Assoc
- PMS Pasco Middle School
- PSCI Premium Supply Company Inc
- PCA Pure Creative Agency
- PUI Possibilities Unlimited Inc.
- PCL Parsons Containers Ltd
- PMS Practice Management Systems
- PDS Phoenix Data Systems
- PCI Protective Coatings Inc
- PEC Princeton Entrepreneurship Council
- PLA Planning and Logistic Ab
- PSS Prime Software Serbia
- PFS Pegasus Flight Support